Since releasing AlterNET Studio 8.1, we have fixed a few minor bugs. These bug fixes were pushed to NuGet in the form of NuGet packages and are available now. Below is the list of changes done so far:

AlterNET Studio 8.1.12

  + Python advanced parser now supports type hints for defining function parameters and return types.

  + HighlightSelectedWords option was added to the SyntaxEdit/TextEditor Selection, highlighting multiple occurrences of the selected word.

  - The regression issue with the insertion of the override method template has been fixed in the advanced Visual Basic parser.

  - The issue with generating descriptions for host objects passed to the TypeScript parser has been fixed.

AlterNET Studio 8.1.11

  + UserData field was added to ScriptDiagnostics, allowing to extend compiler errors with user-driven information.

  + FindReferences method allowing to look for references across multiple documents added to Roslyn-based parsers.

  - The issue with the license evaluation dialog in .NET Core applications when designing forms has been resolved.

  - The issue with localizing internal style names causing incorrect appearance in the dark visual theme has been fixed.

AlterNET Studio 8.1.10

  + Evaluate method was added to the TypeScript/JavaScript Scripter, allowing evaluation of the JavaScript expressions within parsed scope.

+ Python, IronPython, and TypeScript debuggers can start a debugging session from the specified function.

- Fixed some typos in German resource strings for the search/replace dialog box.

- The issue with sorting attributes in the code completion list for the XSD-driven XML parser has been fixed.

- The Exception during assembly loading in Advanced C#/Visual Basic parsers under .NET Core has been fixed.

AlterNET Studio 8.1.9

  + MessageBoxWpfHandler class added to provide custom handling of all message boxes in the WPF code libraries.

  + WPF Text Editor now displays dark background for the context menu in the dark visual theme.

  + WPF Text Editor now displays dark background for the context menu in the dark visual theme.

  + Lua LSP parser has been updated to use the latest Sumenko LSP server that provides descriptions in the signature method help.

  - The issue with displaying +/- outlining buttons in the dark theme has been fixed for WPF TextEditor.

  - The bug with updating the search panel icons when switching color themes has been fixed.

  - The bug with updating the Goto line dialog background when switching color themes has been fixed.

  - The bug with updating the breakpoint position in the debug editor when deleting lines before it has been fixed.

  - The bug with code completion incorrectly inserting fully qualified type names in the advanced Visual Basic parser has been fixed.

  - The bug with displaying the text editor’s context menu when right-clicking the mouse on the search panel has been fixed.

  - The NullReferenceException when reloading the form designer has been fixed.

  - The bug with using an incorrect icon for Visual Basic forms in the project explorer has been fixed.

AlterNET Studio 8.1.8

  - The regression issue with WinForms Form Designer not adding references to all dependent assemblies when placing third-party control onto the form has been fixed.

AlterNET Studio 8.1.7

+ Python.NET Scripter now allows you to run and debug Python code without the file being physically present on the disk.

+ ISearchDlg/IFormDlgSearch interfaces have been added allowing you to implement your own popup search panel and search dialogs.

+ Form Designer allows specifying search paths to locate third-party references.

  + Goto Definition in the demo projects now centers the line it navigates to, like in Visual Studio.

  - Line indentation no longer crashes when using C# and Visual Basic parsers when the latest Microsoft CodeAnalisys API (version 4.4.0) is used.

  - The bug with search panel combo boxes remaining dark after switching from dark to light visual theme has been fixed in WPF TextEditor.

  - The bug with VB.NET WinForms Form Designer when loading a custom control with "Module" in a namespace has been fixed.

  - The bug with the empty property window for the Dataset component in WinForms Form designer has been fixed.

  - The bug with added or removed imported namespaces when saving .NET projects has been fixed.

  - The bug with Intelisense being case-sensitive when listing type members in the Visual Basic advanced parser has been fixed.

AlterNET Studio 8.1.5, 8.1.6

  + Python and TypeScript parsers can optionally display code completion invocation when the user starts typing letters. 

  - Fixed crash in C# and Visual Basic parsers when the latest Microsoft CodeAnalisys API (version 4.3.1) is used.

  - Fixed bug in Form Designer with Split Container not displaying its child panels in the OutlineControl.

 - Visual artifacts no longer occur when resizing SyntaxEdit control with Custom or System border.

 - Fixed issue with some gutter images not looking correctly on high dpi screens.

AlterNET Studio 8.1.4

  + Python Scripter has been updated to use the latest Python.Net version, which supports Python 3.10.

  + SyntaxEdit control now supports BorderStyle.Custom, allowing the drawing of its border in the user-defined color.

  + Cobol has been added to Generic parsers, allowing Code Editor to highlight syntax for the COBOL language.

 - The bug with invisible emoji symbols causing issues with SyntaxEdit’s text rendering has been fixed.

 - Replace dialog immediately replaces the first occurrence, matching Visual Studio text editor behavior.

AlterNET Studio 8.1.3

  + ForceReparseAsync method added to reparse text asynchronously

  + ScriptRun allows accessing assembly bytes after compiling assembly in the memory.

  - The bug with C#/Visual Basic debugger throwing exceptions under .NET 6 when setting breakpoints or evaluating expressions via data-tips has been fixed.

  - The bug with formatting expression in the advanced Visual Basic parser has been fixed.

  - The bug with filtering out the code completion box in the advanced Visual Basic parser has been fixed.

  - Bug with code completion inside [] expressions in Visual Basic Roslyn parser has been fixed. 

  - The bug with an empty code completion list appearing when the modal dialog with the editor is reused several times has been fixed.

AlterNET Studio 8.1.2

  + Python DAP debugger now allows redirecting console output to the Output debugger window.

  - Bug with Python DAP not starting when environment variable PATH does not contain a path to python.exe

AlterNET Studio 8.1.1

  + Support for delegate types in TypeScript Parser/Scripter.

  - Reverted RoslynDocumentationProvider class from internal to public.

  - Small Bug with document formatting in WPF Text Editor.

Read the full version history of version 8.1 here.


